Contract Cleaning - Joint Labour Committee
17 January 2022
Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee proposals for an amendment to the existing Contract Cleaning ERO
The Court is in receipt of proposals from the Contract Cleaning JLC in accordance with section 42B(11) of the Industrial Relations Act 1946.
In accordance with section 42B(12(b) the Division of the Court appointed to deal with this matter has determined it appropriate to hear all parties appearing to the Court to be interested and desiring to be heard before deciding whether to adopt the proposals.
To this end a remote hearing will take place on Friday the 4 February 2022 at 10.30 a.m.
Below is the Report to the Labour Court from the Chair of the JLC and appendices including the proposals for an ERO.
Contract Cleaning Draft ERO 2021 JLC Chairman report
Contract Cleaning ERO Proposals as adopted on 26th October 2021
Contract Cleaning JLC copy of submission received and considered by the JLC
CSO Consumer Price Index
Efficiency Wages - Georgiadis - February 2008
JLC Membership as at first meeting 2021
Private Residential Tenancies Board Rent Index
Public Notice- Irish-Examiner 24.09.21
Public Notice - Irish Independent 24.09.21
Public Notice - Irish Times 24.09.21
The consequences of minimum wage laws - Rebitzer & Taylor October 1991
The use of wage floors as policy tools - Gregg - 2000
The Following Submissions have been received:
ICCA Labour Court Submission Re ERO 24.01.22
ICTU Submission
SIPTU and UNITE ERO submission