Contract Cleaning - Joint Labour Committee 2023
Update 25th of March 2024 - Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee proposals for an amendment to the existing Contract Cleaning ERO
The Court is in receipt of proposals from the Contract Cleaning JLC in accordance with section 42B(11) of the Industrial Relations Act 1946.
In accordance with section 42B(12(b) the Division of the Court appointed to deal with this matter has determined it appropriate to hear all parties appearing to the Court to be interested and desiring to be heard before deciding whether to adopt the proposals.
To this end a hearing will take place on Monday 8 April 2024 at 12.00pm.
Below is the Report to the Labour Court from the Chair of the JLC and appendices including the proposals for an ERO.
Appendix 1. Contract Cleaning ERO Proposals - 23/11/2023
Appendix 2. Contract Cleaning Draft ERO JLC Chairman's Report Final
Appendix 3. Irish Independent Advertisement
Appendix 4. Irish Times Advertisement
Appendix 5. Seachtain Fógra
Appendix 6. Irish Examiner Advertisement
Appendix 7. The Use of Wage Floors as Policy Tools, Greggs (2000)
Appendix 8. Contract Cleaning Submission, 1 of 2
Appendix 9. Contract Clean Submission, 2 of 2
Contract Cleaning - Joint Labour Committee - Proposals for Employment Regulation Order
Having had regard to the provisions of Section 42B(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1946, the Contract Cleaning Industry Joint Labour Committee hereby gives notice that it has formulated proposals for fixing the minimum remuneration and working conditions of workers in relation to whom the Committee operates.
Copies of the proposals are available at the request of the Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee below.
Any person wishing to make representations in the form of written submission in relation to the proposals should do so in the form of written submission, by 5pm, on or before, 10th of October 2023. Any such representation should be sent by post to The Secretary, Contract Cleaning Industry Joint Labour Committee, Lansdowne House, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4, or by email to
Representations received after that date shall not be considered.
Draft Proposals- Contract Cleaning ERO